Who I Am:

My name is Brandon Storm, I was born in a small town in California. I got my first Walmart Sony camera right after high school. I was hanging out with different car clubs, taking photos. And yeah, I wasn't very good cause I was just starting out. And it was a night time car meet in a Del Taco parking lot, not much lighting. After getting a lot more practice with that camera, I started working at Rent-A-Center. When I was there, I picked up my first Canon Camera. I started doing more car clubs and my first wedding shoot. I took photos of my own vehicles and to widen my skills. I moved here to Texas in 2019, met a bunch more car clubs, and took more photos. Last year I got into portraits, prom photos, and graduation photos, and I haven't loved a passion more than photography. I hope to do more wedding photos and much more, and I can't wait to meet all of you.